Get to know me


Lori Pinnell, MA - Transformational Life Coach

On March 21, 2001 I had an intense, non-ordinary and spontaneous transcendent spiritual experience.  This irrevocably altered my beliefs, perceptions and my life.  I began a personal and spiritual journey of change, growth, and a dismantling of all the aspects of my life in service of evolving my consciousness and bringing me, the authentic me, closer to understanding and living my purpose on earth.  

To understand the science behind my transcendent experience I enrolled in the Masters program at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (now Sofia University) in Palo Alto, CA.  During this program I was introduced to Transformational Coaching and received my certificate  in Transformational Coaching along with my Masters in Transpersonal Studies in 2008.  I felt that transformational coaching was the way I could support others through their journey and that those who needed to find me would through my coaching practice; InnerWorks Consulting.

My background includes a Management Degree in Accounting and an Arts Degree in History.  I also hold a Registered Yoga Teacher Certificate, including 100 hours of Health Counselling.  My work has consisted of varied experience with large government organizations, private commercial operations and non-profit organizations. Prior to establishing my life in Kelowna I was involved in a large retail operation in Burnaby, B.C. as a part owner and then Operations Manager after selling the business to investors.  I accumulated extensive experience in retail operations, customer service, human resource management and the financial aspects of business management.  I was fortunate to be involved in a variety of community fundraising projects, a board member for a non-profit organization and a board member of my industry association.

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1018 West Kelowna rd . West Kelowna, BC